Pork Shashlik

Ingredients for Pork ShashlikIf you want some special meat dish, try tasteful pork shashlik. Studies surprisingly show that cholesterol content of pork meat isn’t higher than that of beef. What’s more, pork is a valuable source of high quality proteins that are vital to our health. Pork is so tender as it has little connective tissue. The top tip for delicious shashlik is marinade. To make lip-smacking pork shashlik, marinate meat in wine vinegar, sour pomegranate juice and lemon juice. This recipe includes mild and fragrant white pepper instead of stronger black pepper. Grilling is one of the healthiest ways to cook meat. And if you thread some vegetables onto the skewer, your shashlik will be even more wholesome. In addition, meat is a natural way to boost your libido.

Ingredients for Pork Shashlik

4.5 lb (2 kg) pork (neck cuts)
3-4 tomatoes
1.5 lb (700 g) onion
5-6 bay leaves
1 tablespoon dried parsley
1 tablespoon dried basil
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
2-3 lemons
½ cup (100 ml) water
Salt to taste

Recipe of Pork Shashlik

  • Peel and slice onion. Add some salt to onion slices and knead with hands until juicy.
  • Cut some onion bulbs into large pieces. Thread marinated onion with meat onto skewers later.
  • Crumble bay leaves.
  • In a bowl, combine parsley, basil, white pepper and bay leaves.
  • Squeeze lemon juice and blend with water.
  • Mix everything well.
  • Wash meat and cut into medium pieces.
  • Put into marinade and top with something heavy.
  • Place in cold place for 4-5 hours, or let it marinate overnight to get perfect result.
  • Thread marinated meat together with vegetables onto skewers.
  • Roast shashlik for 20-30 minutes until golden brown.
  • If there is no opportunity to roast over coal embers, bake in oven.


Pork Shashlik

Pork Shashlik