Olive Oil Helps Prevent Brain Hemorrhage
Scientists keep discovering more and more properties of olive oil. Lead researcher Dr. Cécilia Samieri of the University of Bordeaux and the National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France, published the results of the latest study in the “Neurology” journal. According to the study, elderly people who use olive oil in cooking, for salad dressing or just with bread, take a strong measure that prevents them from having a blood stroke. This is due to oleic acid, which is in olive oil.
According to the French researchers, aged people who take plenty of olive oil in their diets daily have the brain hemorrhage risk lower by 41% in comparison with those who don’t take it regularly.
These are the results of research involving 7,625 people aged over 65 that has been carried out for 5 years in 3 cities – Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpellier.

Olive Oil Helps Prevent Brain Hemorrhage