Ingredients for Yoghurt with Fruits

How to Make Yoghurt with Fruits

This yoghurt can make a part of any diet, slimming diets included. It can also make an excellent breakfast or a mid-day snack which leaves a sense of satiety for a long time.

Try and avoid buying ready-made sweetened yoghurts. When they are prepared at factories they put in chemicals with fruit flavors instead of fruits, sugar in large amounts and add a few tiny bits of low-quality fruits for the sake of appearances. While here is a natural yoghurt made with fresh fruits that can be eaten even by little children.

Ingredients for Yoghurt with Fruits

    • 0.5 lb natural yoghurt
    • orange, kiwi, peach
    • 4-5 dry plums
    • 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup
Ingredients for Yoghurt with Fruits

Ingredients for Yoghurt with Fruits

Recipe for Yoghurt with Fruits

    1. Peel the fruits and cut them into medium-sized pieces.
    2. Mix the fruits with cold yoghurt and add honey or maple syrup.
Yoghurt with Fruits

Yoghurt with Fruits