How to Make a Melon with White Wine
Melons are rich in fiber, folic acid, lycopene; they possess strongly marked antioxidant properties. A fragrant, honey-sweet melon in white grape wine is a delicious dessert of amber yellow color. You will relish not only the taste, but also the wonderful flavor emitted by the juicy melon’s flesh.
Ingredients for Melon with White Wine
- 1.1-1.3 lb/ 500-600 g melon flesh
- 10 fl oz/ 1.3 cup white wine
- sugar for decoration

Ingredients for Melon with White Wine
Cooking Instructions
- Wet glasses’ or creamers’ edges with water and dip them in sugar.
- Cut a peeled melon into medium-sized slices.
- Put the melon into creamers or glasses. Fill them with white wine.
- Put them into the fridge for an hour. The melon will imbibe the wine and the wine will mix with the fragrant and sweet melon juice.
- Or you can do it in another way. Put all the melon slices into a big jug, pour in the wine and then divide it into portions. Choose the way you like best.

Melon with White Wine