How to Bake Pasta Neapolitan Way
Here is a typical Neapolitan dish called Pasta al forno. It is similar to lasagna, but it is made with the kind of pasta called penne instead of flat kinds.
The dish comes out tasty and nourishing, enough to feed a whole family.
The upper layer of macaroni should be fried well, for the upper crust is the dish’s characteristic feature.
Ingredients for Baked Pasta Neapolitan Way
- 1.0 lb penne (or other short pasta)
- 0.7 lb minced veal
- 0.8 lb Mozzarella
- sweet pepper (optional)
- 4-5 slices of grilled eggplant
- 0.7 lb tomatoes
- 2-3 onions
- 0.2 lb grated Parmesan
- parsley, salt, olive oil

Ingredients for Baked Macaroni Neapolitan Way
Recipe for Baked Pasta Neapolitan Way
- Chop onion finely. Pour oil into a frying pan, fry onion until it gets translucent, add parsley.
- In a minute put in mincemeat and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then add peppers which has been fried whole, cleaned of seeds and skin and then cut into small pieces, and grilled eggplants, also cut finely.
- Simmer chopped finely tomatoes in another frying-pan in olive oil, add grated Parmesan.
- Boil pasta until half-ready. Put them into the tomato sauce, and mix well.
- Coat a form with oil. Lay out a layer of macaroni, then a layer of Mozzarella, a layer of mincemeat, then Mozzarella again and top it all with another layer of macaroni.
- Bake until ready, for about 25-30 minutes.

macaroni gratin in baking tray
- Serve cutting up the dish with a wide spatula.

Baked Macaroni Neapolitan Way