Health Benefits of Pomelo
Pomelo belongs to the Citrus family and it is one of the largest and juiciest fruits on our planet.
Pomelo originated in China and it was mentioned in ancient Chinese books. It has juicy flesh of sweet with some sourish smack taste. Pomelo is a golden mine of vitamins.
The fruit is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and the B vitamins. It is also a source of folic acid that is essential for young women to ensure the health of future baby. Also, pomelo contains a lot of potassium that is good for our heart. And many other vitamins, minerals, antioxidants.
New studies show that limonoids found in pomelo and other citrus fruits prevent cancer cells from divining better than chemical medicines. Researchers emphasized that limonoids have more lasting effect than current drugs.
Facts about Pomelo
- Scientists found that pomelo is invigorating and lift up out spirit, performance and stamina.
- For those who are trying to get slim pomelo is a godsend because it satisfies hunger and speeds up the break down of proteins and fats.
- It helps against atherosclerosis and regulates blood pressure.
- There is even a special pomelo based diet to treat asthma.
- Pomelo is a dietary fruit; its caloric value is 30-35 kcal per 100g.

Pomelo Fruit

Pomelo Cantles