Health Benefits of Cherry
Cherry is a very juicy sweet and sour berry with a stone inside. There are many kinds of cherry – early and late, light and darkish ones. Cherry is a veritable pantry filled with healthy stuff. There are many bioflavonoid anthocyanins which give cherry its beautiful color. They are powerful antioxidants slowing down aging and destruction of cells, and bringing the immune system to a perfect state. The darker the cherry, the more healthy stuff, vitamins and minerals, including rare ones, it contains. Make it your friend, and it will take care of your health. You can eat this berry fresh all summer long, and frozen, dried or preserved as juice, compote and jam in other seasons. Preserved cherry retains its healthy qualities practically intact. The well-known B17 vitamin that has a powerful antineoplastic effect was found in cherry stones. Yet one has better use cherry stone kernels with great care and in small amounts. Measure must be observed in everything.
More Health Facts about Cherry
- It stabilizes the function of the cardiovascular system. It makes your sleep deeper and calmer. It calms down nervous excitement, improves mood and vitality.
- It improves the appetite, accelerating metabolism and assisting with fat splitting. Cherry pectin clears away toxins and chemical waste from the body.
- It diminishes pain in the muscles during heavy physical strain, takes off weariness.
- It strengthens the capillaries, relieves vein thrombosis, and improves eyesight.
- It possesses anti-inflammatory characteristics thanks to volatile production it contains. It cleans the liver. It relieves arthritis and arthrosis.
Cherry’s caloric content is just about 50 kcal. A unique complex of minerals in cherry imparts highly salubrious qualities to it. It contains a lot of iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus in ideal proportions. Their impact is increased manifold because of the presence of vitamins PP, C, group B, beta carotin. So this berry is practically magic in its usefulness – there’s much more to it than meets the eye!

Health Benefits of Cherry