Sausage Festival in Lazio
In March, the Lazio region (Italy) is expected to celebrate the…

Why is red wine useful?
Many people write that wine is useful. Now we can tell you why…

Too Sweet to Eat: Surprising Places Sugar Hides in Your Favorite Foods
When you’re trying to avoid sweets, you know to avoid sugar,…

Fish, lots variety of fish!
Pescatori del Golfo in Trieste - is shop, cooking and restaurant.…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Congratulations to our site visitors with this magical holidays…

Coffee against Alzheimer’s disease
Drinking three cups of coffee a day can help to protect the body…

Delicious Food as a Key to Losing Weight
It turns out that in order to maintain a healthy weight, one…

Parmesan is the Best Cheese in the World
The largest and most prestigious competition, World Cheese Awards…

Italian Peroni Beer Won Awards
British company Paragraph Publishing Ltd orgainzed a competition…

Prunes Help to Lose Weight
A research conducted at the University of Liverpool revealed…

Any Fruits are Good for the Heart and Blood Vessels
The more fruit you eat each day, the lower the risk of cardiovascular…

Lemon and soda, a miraculous anti-cancer remedy?
A surprising discovery: lemon and soda, a miraculous anti-cancer…

Processed meat is dangerous to life
Recent European studies suggest that the consumption of processed…

Lemon & Basil Sorbet – Best Italian Ice-Cream
A competition for the best ice cream was held in the Umbria region…

The Most Useful Oils for Perfect Skin
You may be visiting beauty salons and rubbing various chemical…