Basil Makes Us Younger
We wrote earlier about basil and its health benefits.
And now interesting news has emerged about this tasty and spicy herb that has been in culinary use as a natural aromatizer since ancient times.
In September 2008 the British Pharmaceutical Conference was held in Manchester where the latest findings on basil were revealed.
Scientists from The Indian Pharmaceutical University discovered that basil contained a great deal of antioxidants and was capable of binding free radicals, thus slowing down cell aging process.
The antioxidants in basil can support optimal brain functioning. They help to keep a good fitness level by stimulating metabolic processes, and thus rejuvenating the body.
The scientists also pointed out that basil boosts the secretion of collagen in the skin making it elastic and smooth.
According to experts, basil consumption is an excellent way to make us younger. So try always to add basil into your diet.

Basil against Aging