Apples and Pears Stave off Blood Stroke
In the wake of the impetuous development of the chemical industry scientists begin to fall back to the conclusion that nothing can compare with what was already created by God and Nature – that is, mere natural foods.
Researchers found that a large intake of white fruits and vegetables is a useful measure for preventing blood stroke – like if you eat one or two apples a day. Apples and pears are rich in meletin, flavonoids, as well as dietary fibers. The intake of fruits with white pulp can decrease the risk of blood stroke by up to 52%.
Scientists from the Netherlands’ Wageningen University published a study on it in the American Heart Association journal – the first one establishing a link between pulp color and the blood stroke risk. The findings are based on research enveloping 20,069 volunteers with the average age of 40.
White-pulp fruits and vegetables also include bananas, cauliflower and white cabbage, cucumber, endive.

Apples and Pears Stave off Blood Stroke