
White Strawberry Tasting of Pineapple

A strange outlandish fruit hit English supermarkets; it looks like strawberry poured over with cream. These fragrant berries are a shade smaller than common strawberry, they have white pulp dotted with red seeds and taste like pineapple. They are called pineberry and they are not a hybrid.

These juicy sweet berries with just a touch of sourness come from South America. They were on the verge of extinction when Dutch farmers began to garden them seven years ago. And now pineberry is on sale in 45 Waitrose shops in Great Britain.

The fruit will be available during the next five weeks at the price of 2.99 euros for 4.4 oz basket. Chances are that the price will go up after the berry has been introduced properly. The pineberry will bring in freshness and variety into our meals and its fetching appearance will help create intriguing, unusual garnishing for sweet dishes.

