Ingredients for Spinach with Cheese

How to Make Spinach with Cheese

This is a simple and easy-to-make dish. It owes its excellent taste to olive oil and cheese that melts quickly creating a marvelous cream sauce that covers the spinach.

Ingredients for Spinach with Cheese

    • 1-1.2 lb Frozen or fresh spinach
    • 0.3 lb Taleju cheese, Gorgonzola, or any other soft cheese
    • 1 garlic clove
    • Extra virgin olive oil Borges: 4-5 tb sp
    • a few sprigs of parsley
Ingredients for Spinach with Cheese

Ingredients for Spinach with Cheese

Recipe for Spinach with Cheese

    1. Pour oil into a stewing pan.
 oil into a stewing pan

oil into a stewing pan

    1. Fry garlic, then add the parsley, and  in a minute put in spinach.
Added garlic, and then parsley

add garlic, and then add parsley

add spinach

add spinach

    1. Cover up and stew until soft, for about 15 minutes, giving it a stir time and again.
    2. Smooth out and press down the spinach making a flat surface.
    3. Lay out cheese pieces on top, put the lid back on.
add cheese

add cheese

    1. Wait for 2 minutes and turn off the heat.
    2. As soon as the cheese has melted, the dish is ready.
 Spinach with Cheese

Spinach with Cheese