Garlic and Breath Odour
We all like garlic, for this zestful plant can bring a marvelous range of taste and flavor into any dish. But many avoid this wholesome vegetable because of problems connected with its pungent smell.
How can we get rid of it? After a series of research American scientists discovered that the simplest and most efficient way of getting rid of the smell is to drink a glass of milk after eating garlic.
You should drink it slowly, in small draughts, moving it around in the mouth a little.
It appears that milk is the quickest agent to diminish the concentration of allyl methyl sulphide, the substance that is responsible for the garlic smell.
Garlic is greatly wholesome, so it’s not a good idea to give it up because of the smell. Far better to drink a glass of milk after you have eaten a dish with garlic.
