Cod Liver Oil

Cod Liver Oil Prevents Schizophrenia Development

In the time of the rapid development of advanced technologies scientists more and more often turn to natural substances in their research of various diseases. That’s because natural substances are not as toxic as artificial ones and have almost no side-effects.

The new research was conducted by Doctor Paul Amminger from the Medical University of Vienna, Austria and a group of scientists from the Research Centre in Melbourne, Australia. The February issue of JAMA/Archives Journal Archives of General Psychiatry contained a new study showing that the individuals with a very high risk of developing mental disorders who took cod-liver oil for three months lowered the possibility of developing these disorders.

The tests involved about 100 patients with mental disorders at the initial stage of development. The results of the research established that cod-liver oil reduces the possibility of relapses by 40 %. The scientists discovered that omega 3 fat acids influence the chemistry in the cell membranes and the brain neurotransmitters.

Long omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) strands can be useful in treating schizophrenia and a number of other mental disorders. Dr. Amminger accentuated that people suffer from schizophrenia mainly because of the dysfunction of fat acids metabolism.

Dr. Amminger also mentioned that medications used to put down schizophrenia and psychotic illnesses have negative side effects on the body. So taking into account that omega 3 PUFA are considered to be healthy and have no clinical negative side-effects, scientists urge people with a high risk of developing mental disorders to take 0.04 oz cod-liver oil daily. It is a safe and effective strategy for preventing mental disorders and makes a good supplementary cure for those whose mental health is already impaired.

Cod Liver Oil

Cod Liver Oil