Walnuts Are Salubrious for Men
Many married couples suffer from infertility; in almost half of the cases men are to blame for this sorry state of affairs.
Dr. Wendie Robbins and her colleagues at the University of California, Los Angeles, set out to investigate whether an increase in polyunsaturated fat acids in the diet can enhance the quality of sperm, for these acids are crucial for the gestation of sperm cells.
The best fat acid sources are fish, flax seeds and walnuts. Walnuts are rich in α-linolenoic acid and are thus a natural source of omega 3.
The experiment lasted for 3 months and involved 118 men divided into two groups. Men in one group ate 75 grams walnuts every day while the rest didn’t t eat them at all.
The researchers found that men in group one showed no remarkable changes in the body mass index. Nevertheless following the intake of walnuts the level of omega 6 and omega 3 fat acids increased significantly, sperm’s life force, the morphology and agility of the male germ cells was heightened, less chromosome anomalies were observed. Group two registered no suchlike changes.
75 grams walnuts is the very dosage that allows to enhance conception chances to a degree without gaining extra weight.
