Vitamin B12 Deficiency Is Harmful for the Brain
According to a study published in the American Academy of Neurology’s Neurology journal, aged people who have a low level of Vitamin B12 in the blood stand more chances to lose brain cells – and memories.
The research involved 121 individuals aged 65 and older. Their blood was examined for estimating the levels of vitamin B12 and vitamin B12-related metabolites which indicate vitamin B12 deficiency. The volunteers also underwent tests gaging their memory and other cognitive abilities. Four years later they had brain MRT conducted to estimate the volume and other symptoms of brain damage.
The scientists discovered that vitamin B12 deficiency is linked with a lower result of the cognitive tests and diminishing of the brain volume.
Good sources of vitamin B12 are natural products like fish, meat, especially beef liver, milk, eggs and fowl.

Good sources of vitamin B12 are meat