The Recipe for Cucumbers with Tuna, Olives and Green Onion
It is an easy-to-make appetizer, tasty, with minimum calories yet replete with energy and vitamins. And besides, looks wonderful on the table.
Ingredients for Cucumbers with Tuna and Olives
- 2-3 cucumbers
- a can of tuna in oil
- a bunch of green onion
- 0.06 lb olives
- any cheese for decoration

Ingredients for Cucumbers with Tuna and Olives
Recipe for Cucumbers with Tuna
- Cut olives and onion finely, mash tuna with a fork with oil. Mix it all together.
- Cut cucumbers along into two. Scoop the inside with a spoon.
- Fill the halves of the cucumbers with the mixture.
- Decorate with cheese.

Cucumbers with Tuna, Olives and Green Onion