The Forshmak Recipe
Forshmak, or herring paste, is a traditional snack of the Jewish cuisine. The best, tastiest forshmak can be made by Jewish grandma solely, for every one of them knows a special secret ingredient. Our forshmak has secret ingredients as well – it is made with olives and Philadelphia cheese which provide special notes in its taste.
Ingredients for Forshmak
- 1 soft-salted herring
- a half of a sour apple
- 1 bulb onion
- a piece of bread
- 10 olives
- 0.14 lb butter
- 2 tablespoonfuls Philadelphia cheese
- 1 egg

Ingredients for forshmak
Recipe for Forshmak
- Separate herring fillet from skin and bones.
- Boil an egg until hard.
- Soak a piece of bread in milk and squeeze it.
- Put the herring fillet, olives without stones, onion, an apple, the egg and the bread in a blender or through a meat grinder.
- After that add butter and Philadelphia cheese. Mix the paste carefully and put away in the refrigerator for an hour.
- Forshmak is customarily served on a long dish shaped like a fish. Alternatively it can be served on fresh crisp toasts.
