The Dressed Herring Recipe
The salad made from boiled vegetables and salted herring generally known as “Thick Coat” is immensely popular in the Russian cuisine. In the times of the Soviet Union it was a must for every holiday feast. The salad’s taste depends on the quality of the herring and mayonnaise used.
Ingredients for salad Dressed Herring
- 1 herring
- 2 beetroots
- 1-2 carrot
- 1-2 egg
- 1 white onion
- 2-3 potatoes
- mayonnaise, salt to taste

Ingredients for salad Dressed Herring
Recipe for Dressed Herring
- Boil potatoes, carrot, beetroots and eggs. Peel them when they have cooled down.
- Grate all these ingredients roughly on different plates.
- Chop onion into small cubes.
- Separate herring fillet from skin and bones and cut into small cubes.
- Make mayonnaise using a recipe Homemade Mayonnaise or buy it.
- Take a dish and lay the salad out in layers, first potato, then onion and herring. Top the herring with carrot and then beetroot. Spread mayonnaise on every layer.
- Sprinkle with grated egg and dress the salad with anything you fancy. The salad should soak properly for not less than three hours, then it can be served.

Salad "The Dressed Herring"