
Ossobuco with mashed chickpeas
This is another Recipe Ossobuco . At this time we made it with…

Ossobuco alla Milanese, Traditional Recipe
It is a dish typical of Milan, Lombardy.
The recipe has spread…

How to Make Escalopes with Lemon Italian Way
It is a classical second dish in Italy, a traditional way to…

How to Bake Pasta Neapolitan Way
Here is a typical Neapolitan dish called Pasta al forno. It is…

The Recipe for Vitello Tonnato or Veal in Tuna Sauce
If you want to try excellent veal in tuna sauce cooked in perfect…

Veal Heart with Light Sauce
Low-fat veal heart is high in proteins and contains iron, zinc,…

Veal Roll
Veal (or calf) is a tender, dietary meat with little connective…

One of the tastiest meat dishes is a juicy beefsteak. It’s…