How to Make Salad with Mushrooms, Potato and Cabbage
Potato, mushroom and sauerkraut make a marvelous combination for a delicious salad. We used for this salad two kinds of mushrooms – honey mushrooms and champignons which we pickled ourselves, but you can take pickled mushrooms from the store. You can make sauerkraut using this recipe for Sauerkraut. Celery’s specific unique flavor gives this salad a pleasant aroma.
Ingredients for Salad with Mushrooms, Potato and Cabbage
- 3 potatoes
- 0.4 lb/200 gr mixture of honey mushrooms and champignons
- 0.4 lb/200 gr sauerkraut
- A stalk of celery with leaves
- 1 onion
- Extra virgin olive oil, salt to taste

Ingredients for Salad with Mushrooms, Potato and Cabbage
Cooking Instructions
- Boil the potatoes in jackets until ready. Let them cool and peel. Cut into cubes.
- Chop the celery and the onion.
- Mix potato, sauerkraut, mushrooms, celery and onion.
- Dress the salad with a quality olive oil and salt to taste.
- Let it stay for about 20-30 minutes for it to steep well and then you can serve it.

Salad with Mushrooms, Potato and Cabbage