Onion Is an Effective Cancer Cure
The common onion will help you to be happy. “What nonsense” may have been your first thought. Onion has an unpleasant flavor. So, what kind of onion happiness can there be? But in fact, flavor problems are not so important, they can be eliminated easily. It is health problems that are much more important.
Onion contains querzetin – a very active bioflavonoid. Thanks to the scientists, who recently discovered querzetin, now we know to what the wholesomeness of any food is due. Querzetin helps to fight cancer in the hereditary system, causing regeneration of the mutated genes, which are responsible for destruction of cancer cells. And onion is the main supplier of querzetin.
Red onion is especially beneficial for health of all onion cultivars. Apples, blackberry, broccoli, green tea, red wine and tomatoes also contain querzetin. You need much querzetin to protect yourselves from serious diseases. Therefore those who want to heighten the effect must eat some apples and at least two onions a day.
The pharmaceutical industry produces querzetin in capsules. But it is not so effective being single there. Whereas in natural foods it works in collaboration with many other healthy stuffs, which increase its salubrious effect. Though it may be difficult to get as much querzetin as it’s needed when you have fallen ill. So it may be advisable to take these capsules in combination with natural foods if your doctor says OK.

Onion Is Rich in Querzetin