International Wine Festival in Italy
Verona, one of the most romantic Italian cities, is for the 46th time the home of Vinitaly, the international wine exhibition.
The sweet spring air of Verona, full of the fragrance of blooming fruit trees, is conducive to soul-to-soul conversation. Besides, wine tasting enhances the efficaciousness of cooperation.
More than 30 countries all over the world participate in the exhibition, while buyers came over from 110 countries.
Italian wines are known for their excellent quality, some would say there are no better wines. But perfection knows no limits. Of outstanding new products there are biological wines made from ecologically clean grapes.
Italian wine-producing industry knows no crises – profits for the last year came to € 10 billion, placing Italy firmly on the first place among wine exporters. Italian sparkling wines have always been in the top lines of popularity.

International Wine Festival in Italy