How to Make Pie with Salmon and Eggplant
Fish pies were made as early as in ancient Russia. Traditionally, the whole family gathered on holidays and various pies were served. Usually, fish pie was mostly welcomed and enjoyed. Pies have always been a staple Russian dish and in past centuries you could tell a lot about the household by the pies it was serving. Your family is going to enjoy our pie recipe. We made a pie with salmon and eggplant filling. This filling is fabulously tasty. Eggplants, cheese, garlic and salmon create a well-balanced taste.
Ingredients for Filling
- 1 lb (500g) salmon
- 2 eggplants
- 100g Dutch cheese
- 3 garlic cloves
- Several stalks of parsley and din
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Salt
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoons flavored olive oil
Ingredients for Dough
- 300g flour
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons butter
- Salt
- 25 g fresh yeast, or 1 teaspoon dry yeast

Ingredients for Pie with Salmon and Eggplant
Cooking Instructions
- Mix yeast in warm milk.
- Break in an egg, add two tablespoonfuls of butter and salt to taste.
- Mix everything well and add all the flour.
- Knead dough until smooth. If the dough is sticky, add more flour.
- Form a ball and place it into a large bowl. Cover with a kitchen towel and put in warm place for an hour.
- When the dough doubles in size, start working on it.
- For filling, fillet fish, cut the fillet into large pieces, salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Let stand for 30 minutes.
- Slice eggplants and fry slightly in a frying pan smeared with olive oil over a very low heat. Eggplant slices shouldn’t be fatty, cook them until soft.
- Grate cheese and garlic coarsely.
- Chop parsley and din finely and combine with cheese and garlic.
- Roll out dough into thin layer and save some dough to make strips to top the pie.
- Put eggplant slices on the middle of the dough layer and salt a little bit.
- Sprinkle over with the mixture of grated cheese, greens and garlic.
- Put salmon on top and pour over with 1 tablespoonful of peppered olive oil or put some chili peppers.
- Top with cheese and garlic mixture.
- Fix the edges of dough so that it doesn’t break apart while baking. Arrange dough strips on top.
- Rub with yolk and let stand for 15-20 minutes.

Pie with Salmon and Eggplant on a Baking Sheet
- Meanwhile, pre-heat an oven well.
- Place a baking sheet with pie on it into pre-heated oven.
- Bake for 30-40 minutes at the medium temperature.
- Open the oven occasionally to make sure the pie is not over baked.
- Bake until the pie is evenly nicely brown.
- Serve hot or cold with tomato or any other vegetable juice.

Piece of Pie