Grapes Preserved in Alcohol
Fruits preserved in alcohol make a great addition to desserts and cocktails, enriching and refining their taste. You will need only ripe sweet grapes with firm berries and pure 96% alcohol to prepare grapes preserved in alcohol. You can use cherries, sweet cherries or other fruits instead of grapes.
Ingredients for Grapes Preserved in Alcohol
- 2.2 lb grapes
- 30.4 fl oz/ 3.8 cups/ 1.9 pt 96 % alcohol
- 3.4 fl oz/ 0.4 cup/ 0.2 pt/ 100 g water
- 0.2 lb/ 7 tablespoons/ 100-150 g sugar
Ingredients for Grapes Preserved in Alcohol
Cooking Instructions
- Separate grape berries from the raceme cutting them with scissors so that every berry has a small piece of stalk of about 0.4 in length.
- Put berries into a colander and rinse them in running water well.
- Then arrange grape berries on a pure towel and leave them for 30-40 minutes to dry.
- Acepticize jars and covers.
- Put the dried grapes into the jars so that they come a little below the neck.
- Pour water into sugar and boil it, then cool the syrup.
- Then pour the syrup into alcohol, mix and fill in the jars with the grapes. Alcohol must cover the berries. It is important to save the grapes from going bad.
- Fix the covers hermitically and put the jars in a dark cool place.
- Let it steep for 2 months, and it is ready.

Grapes Preserved in Alcohol