Coffee Protects Liver in Hepatitis Sufferers
Scientists have known for a long time that many natural compounds have potential therapeutic qualities for treatment of some diseases. According to a new research conducted at the National Cancer Institute under Neil B. Friedman M.D. patients with chronic hepatitis C who drank at least three cups coffee a day had a lower risk of developing advanced liver diseases than those who drank no coffee by 53 %.
The research showed that patients who had hepatitis C overcame liver fibrosis and liver cirrhosis though these diseases do not yield to standard treatment. 765 persons with hepatitis C participated in the research. They underwent a long antiviral treatment against cirrhosis. The participants were examined once in every 3 months for 4 years. They had liver biopsy a year and a half and three years later to learn how their liver disease was progressing. It was established that coffee lovers’ three or more cups of coffee a day gave them advantage.
Scientists said that although they do not rule out other factors that could be working alongside of coffee, the research results reveal that patients who drank much coffee had lower cirrhosis development risk. The researchers pointed out that those results do not relate to healthy people, but only to individuals suffering from hepatitis C.

Natural Coffee Protects Liver