Vegetable Juices Burn Excess Fat

Obesity, heart and blood vessel problems are the main global health issues of the day. Whereas health depends on food to a large extent. Vegetable juices can help people gain considerable health advantages. John Foreyt Ph.D., director of Behavioral Medicine Research Center at Baylor Medical College and co-author of the new study, said that the researches felt inspired by the fact they could suggest people simple measures and small steps that diminish the risk factors – which makes for a great victory in maintaining excellent health.

The research carried out at the Baylor College showed that overweight individuals with metabolism disorders who drank vegetable juices lost more weight than those who didn’t. The participants of the research were following a balanced diet and moved about much. In addition they had two natural vegetable juice drinks a day with low salt content. They lost about 9 lb during the 12 research weeks. They lost mostly stomach fat and reduced their waistline. But those who had the same diet but did not drink juice lost only about 2 lb.

The research engaged 100 individuals with metabolic factors of obesity development risk. Besides, those who drank juices reported a considerable lowering of blood pressure. All of them registered feelings of well-being and buoyancy. Therefore doctors urge to drink vegetable juices every day. That will conduce to a gradual loss of weight and general strengthening of your health.

Vegetable Juices

Vegetable Juices