Ingredients for Mushrooms with Leek

The Mushrooms with Leek and Cheese Recipe

There’s a simple and nourishing dish to be prepared from field mushrooms, leek and cheese in a very little time. We went for Dutch semi-hard cheese Leerdammer, it is sweetish with a slight hint of nutmeg, but mushrooms go well with any kind of cheese. Vegetarians can take soy tofu. Leek adds a special kind of flavor and taste to the dish.

Ingredients for Mushrooms with Leek

    • Mushrooms: 500 gr.
    • Leek: 1 stalk with no leaves.
    • Leerdammer cheese (or tofu): 100 – 150 g.
    • Olive oil, salt and pepper: to taste.
Ingredients for Mushrooms with Leek

Ingredients for Mushrooms with Leek

Recipe for Mushrooms with Leek and Cheese

    1. Wash the mushrooms and cut in four.
    2. Cut the leek into rings and fry with olive oil.
    3. Add the mushrooms, fry them together for about 6-8 minutes. Salt and pepper.
leek and mushrooms

leek and mushrooms

    1. Make the surface smooth. Drizzle over with grated cheese, cover up.
Drizzle over with grated cheese

Drizzle over with grated cheese

    1. When the cheese has melted, the dish is ready.
Mushrooms with Leek and Cheese

Mushrooms with Leek and Cheese