Kiwi Is Good for the Heart

Kiwi Is Good for the Heart

Kiwi has long been known as a veritable vitamin bomb! If it is your table’s regular, you are not likely to have problems with immunity, blood vessels, eyesight. The latest research on kiwi done by Norwegian scientists reveal that it can protect your heart.

People who have heart problems take aspirin every day to prevent clogging. Kiwi has been discovered to possess the same qualities and can inhibit clogging as well.

Kiwi can dissolve the fat that sticks to artery walls, so daily intake of 2 or 3 kiwis makes an effective heart protection.

Apart from that, kiwi contains much potassium and magnesium which, combined with a record-breaking amount of Vitamin C, strengthen the walls of the heart vessels.

Kiwi Is Good for the Heart

Kiwi Is Good for the Heart