Ingredients for Baba Ghanoush

Baba Ghanoush, Pasta Aubergine and Sesame

Baba Ghanoush is a tender and flavorful paste made from baked aubergines, a dish often made in Mediterranean countries.

It can be spread on bread, eaten with pita bread or serves as sauce to meat. The best thing is that it is delicious and very easy to make.

Ingredients for Baba Ghanoush

    • Eggplant: 2-3
    • Garlic: 2 cloves
    • Sesame mashed into a paste (tahina): 3-4 tbsp
    • Juice of half a lemon.
    • Salt, pepper, cumin, olive oil: to taste.
Ingredients for Baba Ghanoush

Ingredients for Baba Ghanoush

Recipe for Baba Ghanoush

    1. Put aubergines on a baking tray and bake until soft.
    2. Let them cool down, peel and chop the pulp.
    3. Add olive oil, lemon juice, sesame, cumin, garlic, salt, pepper.
    4. Mash until you get a smooth mass.
    5. Serve with pita bread.
Baba Ghanoush, Pasta Aubergine and Sesame

Baba Ghanoush, Pasta Aubergine and Sesame