
An Apple a Day Keeps Cancer Away

Try to have apples on your table every day, and get in the habit of picking one up without thinking. According to a new research carried out by Polish scientists and published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention regular intake of apples lowers the risk of developing colorectal cancer. The researchers found that patients who ate one apple every day lowered cancer risk by 30 %, and if it was two or three apples a day the cancer risk went down by more than 50 %. Other fruits and vegetables haven’t the same effect as related to colorectal cancer.

The protective properties of apples are due to a high flavonoids content in them. Flavonoids work as antioxidants and can protect the cells from the destructive power of free radicals, slow down cancer development and cell proliferation. Flavonoids content is five times bigger in the peel than in the pulp, that’s why doctors advise not to peel apples but only give them a good wash.

The World Cancer Research Fund confirms the conclusions of many researches that in all cases the cancer risk can be lowered by as much as 30 – 40 per cent just through introducing simple alterations to your life such as increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, regular physical exercises, walks in the open air and weight control.

