The Recipe for Granita with Lemon and Grenadine
Granita, a traditional Italian dessert, is ice made from fruit juices, water, sugar or syrup. It can be frozen in one hard rock which is then split into pieces and served in a glass. There are also softer variants that are prepared in the ice cream maker. Anyway, the dessert is just the thing for summer heat.
Ingredients for Granita with Lemon and Grenadine
- 2 lemons
- 5-6 tablespoons syrup grenadine, or to taste
- 2.5 glasses water

Ingredients for Granita with Lemon and Grenadine
Recipe for Granita with Lemon and Grenadine
- Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, mix with water, add syrup.
- If you have an ice cream maker, put the mixture in and freeze in accordance with the instructions. You will get a snow-like loose and crumbly granita.
- Or you can pour the mixture into a form and put into the freezer for 5-6 hours – it will freeze in one hard rock that you break up and serve.

Granita with Lemon and Grenadine