The Recipe for Pickled Honey Mushrooms
The taste of pickled mushrooms always depends on the marinade composition and taste. Therefore add components according to your taste. Amend the marinade composition following your predilections. Maybe you like your food spicy and sour or you prefer a milder taste. Honey mushrooms are perfectly good for pickling, especially small and firm ones.
Ingredients for Pickled Honey Mushrooms
- 2.2 lb honey mushrooms or oyster mushrooms
- 1-1.5 tablespoons large-grain salt
- 5-6 tablespoons 4-6% grape vinegar
- 3-4 bay leaves
- 6-8 black pepper peas
- 1 nutmeg
- 3 garlic cloves
- 1 teaspoon sugar

Ingredients for Pickled Honey Mushrooms
Cooking Instructions
- First boil the mushrooms in plenty of water.
- Let them boil for about 15 minutes and then drain using a colander.
- Then make the pickling pouring. Pour two cups water into a pan.
- Add salt, bay leaves, pepper, vinegar, chopped garlic, rubbed nutmeg and a teaspoon sugar.
- As soon as it is boiling put the boiled mushrooms into the marinade.
- Boil it all together for about 5-10 minutes, then put the mushrooms into jars, fill in with marinade.
- Mushrooms are ready for eating after an hour. Keep the pickled mushrooms in the fridge.
- If you want to preserve the mushrooms in jars for a long time you must add a tablespoon vinegar into the marinade and sterilize 1 pt jars for 20 minutes.

Pickled Honey Mushrooms