Our Daily Bread
Spanish scientists have conducted a study revealing that daily intake of bread can prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. It is for a good reason that bread is referred to as “daily bread” in the Bible, accentuating that it possesses an unfading vital importance.
The intake of bread is linked with a healthier lipid profile which is beneficent for the heart and vessels.
A healthy lipid profile means that the person has got a low level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and high levels of good one (HDL).
The scientists analyzed the influence of bread on 275 aged volunteers with a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The results showed that those who ate bread on a daily basis – and not just from time to time – had a better lipid profile and a lower insulin level. It was even truer for those who ate whole grain bread.
Besides, scientists failed to discover any link between daily intake of bread and putting on weight.
