Olive oil is the cure for fatty liver disease
The health benefits of olive oil have long been known and are difficult to overestimate. It is well-known that the countries where people consume olive oil daily have a better life expectancy and quality.
However, some specific biological and physiological mechanisms underlying the beneficial effect of extra virgin olive oil have been lesser known.
A new study shows that a compound found in extra virgin olive can reverse the side effects of a fat-rich diet.
A group of researchers from the University of Chile in South America, led by Dr. Rodrigo Valenzuela, studied the effect of hydroxytyrosol – a compound contained in olive oil – on the health of mice.
As scientists explain, this is a natural polyphenol with strong antioxidant properties that is even capable of preventing cancer cell growth.
The mice that were on a fat-rich diet showed signs of non-alcoholic liver disease, which led to a marked decrease in liver enzymatic activity and had a negative effect on the composition of fatty acids in the liver and other organs.
At the same time, the liver showed signs of increased oxidative stress, which, as we know, is associated with fatty liver disease.
It is peculiar that even a relatively low dose of hydroxytyrosol in the diet contributed to a decrease in signs of fatty liver disease, and reduce the negative effects observed in other organs..
The results were published in the journal Lipids in Health and Disease