Cottage Cheese with Fruits

творог с фруктамиYou can make a variety of desserts with cottage cheese, fruits, nuts and honey.

Light and nutritious, they may be the perfect choice for those who are watching their diet or who exercise.

And children just love these dishes.

You should add more of them to your diet as cottage cheese is rich in calcium and proteins which are essential to our health.

Fruits enrich the desserts with vitamins and minerals and add juice and flavor while nuts give them zest.

It is better to use homemade cottage cheese instead of the store-bought one.

That’s what makes your desserts so smooth. You can add whatever fruits you like.

You might even get creative and start imagining your own desserts.

Ingredients for Cottage Cheese with Fruits

200-300 g cottage cheese
1-2 persimmon
50 g peeled walnuts
1 banana
1 kiwi fruit
1/2 grapefruit
50 g honey

Recipe of Cottage Cheese with Fruits

  • Peel fruits, remove seeds and skin
  • Cut them into medium pieces
  • To get a better taste of walnuts do not grind them too finely
  • Mash the cottage cheese
  • Then mix together fruits, cottage cheese and honey
  • Put on the plate and garnish with fruit pieces on top.

творог с фруктами