Ingredients for Granola Stick

The Recipe for Granola Stick

It is a healthy and wholesome snack, greatly popular in America and in many European countries. It is easy to make, for the recipe is quite simple. Granola sticks are good for a quick and tasty breakfast, they are handy to take along on a journey, to work or to school. Granola’s wholesome qualities depend on the combination and quality of the ingredients.

Ingredients for Granola Stick

    • 2 glasses instant oatmeal
    • 0.08 lb melted butter
    • 1 glass grated almond
    • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
    • 1 glass coconut shavings
    • a handful of raisin
    • a handful of dried cranberry
    • salt
Ingredients for Granola Stick

Ingredients for Granola Stick

Recipe for Granola Stick

    1. Take a form and cover its bottom with parchment smeared with oil.
    2. Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl, and take care to mix them well.
    3. Place the mixture in the form and bake at 356 degrees for 25 – 35 minutes depending on how crispy you want the sticks to be.
 mixture in the form

mixture in the form

Granola ready

Granola ready

    1. Let it cool down and cut up.
Granola Stick

Granola Sticks

Granola Bar

Granola Bar