Sesame Benefits
Sesame seeds are different in color, depending on the variety.
Sesame seeds and their oil contain a higher concentration of nutrients than any other oil.
Sesame’s nutritional value is explained by a high content of minerals – magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, copper and others.
Sesame is rich in fiber. It also contains a substance called sesamol, which protects DNA from radiation-related mutations.
Sesame is useful
- For skin and hair: sesame contains zinc, which is involved in the production of collagen, so necessary for elastic beautiful skin, healthy hair, and strong nails.
- For the heart and blood vessels: due to the high content of magnesium, sesame dilates blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, and regulates cardiac function. Also, magnesium is helpful, if you have cramps at night.
- To reduce the risk of cancer: since sesame is literally packed with nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants, it is not surprising that it helps to fight cancer. For example, phytic acid acts as an anti-cancer agent.
- It helps in diabetes: sesame lowers blood glucose levels and has a positive effect on antidiabetic drugs, improving their functional properties.
- It prevents osteoporosis: zinc, phosphorus and calcium act together to strengthen bones and restore bone tissue.
- It improves digestion: the fibers contained in sesame stimulate digestion, removing body toxins.
- It has an anti-inflammatory effect: copper content in sesame helps reduce inflammation in the muscles, joints and bones. Copper also promotes iron absorption. Thus, all organs get enough oxygen.

Sesame Benefits