Ingredients for Fruit and Almond Cake

The Recipe for Fruit and Almond Cake “Tim”

This cake is a marvelous combination of almond, whipped whites, fresh and dried fruits. These ingredients go to make a light tender substance and a rich, harmonious and bold taste.

Ingredients for Fruit and Almond Cake

  • 0.36 lb almond
  • 0.01 lb flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 0.2 lb butter
  • 0.2 lb sugar
  • 3 tablespoons raisin
  • 5 dried apricots
  • 3 tablespoons almond petals
  • a lemon and an orange
  • a pinch of salt

Ingredients for cream

  • 2 egg whites
  • 0.1 lb sugar
  • Ingredients for Fruit and Almond Cake

    Ingredients for Fruit and Almond Cake

Recipe for Fruit and Almond Cake

  1. Squeeze juice from one lemon and one orange. Cut dried apricots finely. Take a small pan, pour in the juice, add raisin and dried apricots. Boil for about 5 minutes.
  2. Put together the resulting syrup, fruits, finely ground almond and flour.
  3. Separate whites from yolks. Rub yolks with butter and add to the almond dough.
  4. Whip whites with sugar and salt until they form firm spikes.
  5. Put together the whites and the almond dough carefully.
  6. Take a cake hoop, oil it and sprinkle with flour. Put the dough in.
  7. dough into a baking dish

    dough into a baking dish

  8. Drizzle with almond petals and bake in the oven pre-heated to 356 degrees for 25 minutes.
  9. Whip up whites with sugar into hard froth to make cream.
  10. Take the ready crust out of the oven and put the whipped cream on top with a tea spoon or a pastry tube.
  11. Turn the heat down to 120 degrees and put the crust back in to get the cream dry for about 20 minutes. After that turn the oven off and leave the cake inside until it has cooled down.
  12. Fruit and Almond Cake "Tim"

    Fruit and Almond Cake "Tim"

    piece of Fruit and Almond Cake "Tim"

    piece of Fruit and Almond Cake "Tim"