Sweet Lasagna with Apples

Sweet Lasagna with Apples

Amazing fragrant, delicious and delicate puff pie. This is our experiment with lasagna sheets.

It was a success, though we did not expect that it would be so delicious.

It will taste perfect with a cup of coffee, tea or a scoop of vanilla ice cream – delicious treat!

Ingredients for Sweet Lasagna with Apples

  • Apples: 6-8
  • Sugar: 150-180 gr.
  • Butter: 100 gr.
  • Couple pinches of cinnamon.
  • Lasagna sheets: 7-8

Recipe for Sweet Lasagna with Apples

    1. Apples are peeled, cored, and cut into cubes.
    2. Melt the sugar in a skillet until it gets golden brown, add the apples and butter.
    3. Simmer apples until they get soft and acquire the color of amber.
    4. Place lasagna sheets in boiling water, one at a time, for 1-2 minutes. Put them on a wide dish and grease with oil.
    5. Lay lasagna sheets in a mold with caramelized apples between them.
    6. Apples should come as the top layer. We still have an extra sheet, so we can crumble it into small pieces and put them on top.
    7. The cake should be baked for 25-30 minutes at 170-180C.
Sweet Lasagna with Apples

Sweet Lasagna with Apples

Sweet Lasagna with Apples

Sweet Lasagna with Apples