Ingredients for Meringue Roll

How to Make a Meringue Roll with Kiwi and Apples

This is a highly tempting tender roll made from whipped egg whites with a light fruit filling – it emerges as if from the blue and vanishes in a blink of an eye, so fast it gets gobbled up! The whole goodie is just three egg whites and a fruit puree. Have a go at it.

Ingredients for Meringue Roll

    • 3 egg whites
    • 0.3 lb sugar
    • half a teaspoon maize starch
    • A few drops of lemon juice
    • Pinch of salt
    • 2 apples and kiwi
Ingredients for Meringue Roll

Ingredients for Meringue Roll

Recipe for Meringue Roll

    1. Bake the apples and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Mash it into a puree with one kiwi.
Puree of baked apples and kiwi fruit

Puree of baked apples and kiwi fruit

    1. Whip up the whites with a pinch of salt, then, adding sugar gradually, keep whipping until you get firm spikes. At the end add starch and few drops of lemon juice, whip up for another minute.
whipped egg whites

whipped egg whites

    1. Place a parchment sheet on a baking tray, sprinkle with flour and set the whipped eggs in an even layer with a broad knife.
set the whipped eggs in an even layer with a broad knife

set the whipped eggs in an even layer

    1. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 320 degrees for 20 minutes until you get creamy color.
Ready meringue

Ready meringue

    1. Take the meringue out and let it cool down just as it is, on the parchment. Then put another parchment sheet on top and turn over. Remove the parchment on which were baked meringue.
    2. Smear a thin layer of fruit puree over the top. Using the parchment sheet, roll it up and cut off uneven edges.
Inverted meringue smeared with fruit puree

Inverted meringue smeared with fruit puree

Ready Meringue roll

Ready Meringue roll

    1. Let it come by for half an hour and then serve.
A piece of roll

A piece of roll

Meringue Roll with Kiwi and Apples

Meringue Roll with Kiwi and Apples

A piece of roll

A piece of roll